2022 Sonar World Championship

Lake Sunapee Yacht Club 34 Stone End Rd, Sunapee, NH, United States

Preliminary Schedule: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 1300-1700 Late Registration & Check-In 1300-1700 Measurement & Inspection Wednesday, June 15, 2022 0900-1800 Check-In, Registration, Measurement & Inspection 1500 Practice Race Warning Signal

Susan Widmann Sinclair Women’s Championship

Noroton Yacht Club 23 Baywater Dr, Darien, CT, United States

Noroton Yacht Club Announces a New Women’s Championship

Noroton Yacht Club (Darien, CT) is announcing the inaugural Susan Widmann Sinclair Women’s Championship, an umpired fleet race regatta to include a dozen of the country’s top women sailors.
Sailed in the Club’s fleet of Sonars, the championship will be sailed Friday, June 16 through Sunday June 18, 2023, on Long Island Sound with practice racing on Thursday, June 15.

Noroton Commodore Bobby Lawrence commented, “The Sinclair Women’s Championship is something our Club has wanted to do for a long time. With the increasing support of women’s regattas, both nationally and at Noroton, this is a great way for us to use our fleet of Sonars to increase opportunities for top women sailors. It also allows us to honor a women who played an important role in Noroton Yacht Club’s history and heritage. All of us at Noroton look forward to this Championship becoming a major part of the growing women’s championship circuit.”

In addition to being awarded the new Susan Widmann Sinclair Women’s Championship trophy, the winning skipper will receive a berth to compete in New York Yacht Club’s 2024 Women’s Championship.

Entry for this Championship is by invitation only based upon the skipper’s sailing resume. To be considered, interested sailors must submit a detailed sailing resume to Event Chair Nancy Pearson by February 1 at nancy.pearson@harborcrest.com. The Notice of Race can be found on Yacht Scoring at https://yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eid=15609.

This championship and trophy are dedicated to Susan Widman Sinclair, a lifelong member of Noroton Yacht Club who competed in the Lightning, Tempest, J/24, and Sonar Classes, most with her husband David as crew. In 1962, Sue won the Adams Trophy, US Sailing’s Women’s Sailing Championship. That same year she was named the Martini and Rossi Yachtswoman-of-the-Year (now sponsored by Rolex) alongside Bus Mosbacher as Yachtsman-of-the-Year. Commodore Lawrence concluded, “Sue was a mentor and inspiration to a generation of women sailors, at Noroton and beyond. Our creating this new championship in her name reflects her contributions to our Club and women sailors everywhere.”

2023 Sonar North American Championship

Wayzata Yacht Club 1100 Eastman Lane, Wayzata, MN, United States

2023 Sonar North American Championship Wayzata Yacht Club, 1100 Eastman Lane, Wayzata, MN Register today and mark your calendars! Sonar Fleet 5, Wayzata Yacht Club, and the Sonar Class Association

2024 Sonar World Championship

Noroton Yacht Club 23 Baywater Dr, Darien, CT, United States

The preliminary schedule for the 2024 Sonar Words at Noroton Yacht Club, Darien, CT, are as follows: Monday, Sept 9  early registration/measurement Tuesday, Sept 10 early registration and measurement Wednesday,

2026 Sonar Worlds Championship

Lunenburg Yacht Club 734 Herman's Island Road, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada