Fleets of the International Sonar Class Association

Note: A fleet must have a minimum of three Sonars owners with boats who are either Regular or Associate Members of the Class.

State Location Fleet #
Fleets listed numerically below
CT Darien
FL St. Petersburg
IL Chicago 39
Ireland Kinsdale 20
MA Falmouth
New Bedford
ME Freeport 26
MN Lake Minnetonka 5
MO Lake Weatherby 27
NH Lake Sunapee 38
NS Lunenburg 35
NY Manhasset Bay
Oyster Bay
RI Newport 15
TX Houston 13
VA Hampton Bay 40

Fleet # 1
Location – Darien, CT
Noroton Yacht Club
contact – Garin Pace and Jan Raymond
e-mail – garin.pace@gmail.com, janraymond8@gmail.com

Fleet # 5
Lake Minnetonka, MN
Organization – Wayzata Yacht Club

Founded in 1965, the Wayzata Yacht Club (WYC) hosts up to 130 keel sailboats on Thursday nights on Lake Minnetonka.  As of 2018, there are 23 registered Sonars with it being one of the top active fleets in the club.  The lake is also home to the Minnetonka Yacht Club (MYC) founded in 1882, Shorewood Yacht Club (SYC) founded in 1974, and Upper Minnetonka Yacht Club (UMC).
Location – Wayzata, MN
Website – Wayzata Yacht Club Sonar Fleet (Contacts)
Sailing School – Wayzata Community Sailing Center

Fleet # 9
Location – Rochester NY
contact – Skip Shumway
e-mail – skip@shumwaymarine.com
contact – Eric Voss
e-mail – e.voss@hotmail.com

There are six privately owned Sonars sailing out of the RYC, and eight club boats.  The club boats are used for adult sail instruction and are also available for members to charter.  We primarily fleet race on Tuesday nights during the spring and summer, but we have also done some team and match racing.  This year the RYC will be hosting the US Match Racing Championship on September 21-24,2023, and it will be sailed in Sonars. https://www.ussailing.org/competition/championships/2023-u-s-match-racing-championship/

Fleet # 11
Location – Manhasset Bay, NY
contact – William McCollum
e-mail –WMccollum@verizon.net

Fleet # 12
Location – St. Petersburg, FL

We have 4 Sonars available for charter. Two are wet-sailed and have painted bottoms and two are days ailed. We operate out of the St. Petersburg Sailing Center; which is operated by the St. Petersburg Y.C; and is one of the most active sailing facilities in the U.S hosting numerous regional and national regattas
For more information on Sonar Fleet 12, or the St. Petersburg Sailing Center please contact:
St. Petersburg Sailing Center – 727.822.3113- Sailingcenter@spyc.org
St. Petersburg Sailing Center website – https://sailstpete.org

Fleet # 13
Location – Texas Corinthian, Houston, TX
contact – Pierce Owens
e-mail – fleet captain@tcyc.org

Fleet # 14
Location – Marblehead, MA
contact – Dave Curtis
e-mail – davidjoannecurtis@gmail.com

Fleet # 15
Location – Newport, RI
contact – Beth Duggan
e-mail – dugganb@nyyc.org

Fleet # 16
Location – Falmouth MA

Fleet 16 is one of the younger Sonar Fleets; established in the 2007 season. We started with two Sonars being purchased by a 210 & a J-24 sailor who wanted a much more user-friendly boat in which to race. Skip Shumway was instrumental in facilitating this by allowing  us to sail a demo boat in the fall of 2006. Since that time the fleet has grown to nine boats racing three races each Saturday June through mid-September. Racing out of the Falmouth Yacht Club, on the Vineyard Sound, the fleet has created a great deal of camaraderie among all participants. All are welcomed to join us.

Feel free to contact me.

Joe Voci Fleet Captain @ jvvoci@gmail.com
Falmouth YC web site www.falmouthyachtclub.com

Fleet # 18
Guilford, CT

Sonar Fleet #18 hails from Sachem’s Head Yacht Club (est. 1896) in Guilford, CT. The clubhouse, overlooking the Thimble Islands, serves an active racing  fleet and is a summertime community for families and juniors involved in  sailing. Our Sonar fleet has ebbed and flowed over the decades ranging  from 7 to 23 boats. There is also a club‐owned Sonar available for charter by members for weekly races or the entire season. SHYC provides for spirited Sonar racing opportunities on Saturday afternoons (as a one design) and Wednesday nights (as a PHRF) from mid‐June through Labor  Day. In addition to our weekly series races and holiday races, the club throws an ECSA regatta dubbed the “Coastal Classic” which is a 10‐20 mile coastal navigation race around fixed government marks, hosting in excess of 40 boats in various PHRF classes coming from all over Long Island Sound. This year, the Coastal Classic will be held on Saturday, August 17th. If you are interested in learning more about the club or sailing with our Sonar Fleet #18 on any of our race days, please contact one of our fleet captains at the email addresses below!

SHYC Fleet Captain (Mike Schnitt): SHYCFleetCaptain@gmail.com
Sonar Fleet Captain (Charlie McClure): cnmjr132@gmail.com
Club Website: www.shyc.clubLocation – Sachems Head, CT

Fleet # 20
Location – Kinsdale, Ireland
contact – John Twomey
e-mail – johnct@eircom.net

Fleet # 22
Queens, NY

The US Merchant Marine Academy currently owns 6 Sonars for use by our midshipmen. We host collegiate-only events and compete at regional class-sanctioned regattas. Our season runs from May through October. The Yocum Sailing Center at 300 Steamboat Road, Kings Point, NY 11024-1699 is home to all our waterfront teams and activities. For more information on Fleet 22 or the United States Merchant Marine Academy please contact:

Sonar Fleet Captain – Rick Dominique, 516-726-6036, DominiqueR@usmma.edu
USMMA Website  https://www.usmma.edu/academy-life/activitiesservices/waterborne-activities
To follow on Facebook: “Kings Point Waterfront

Fleet # 23
Location – Nyack, NY

Fleet 23 sails out of the 104-year-old Nyack Boat Club known as “The Home of Serious Sailing Fun”. The club is situated on the west bank of the scenic Hudson River just north of the Tappan Zee Bridge. We are a very active, very competitive seven boat fleet that enjoys racing every Sunday afternoon from early May to mid-October. In addition to our regular holiday regattas we will be hosting our annual, our 20th annual, Tappan Zee Challenge regatta. We would love to have you sail with us for a weekend or the season.
For more information on Sonar Fleet 23, the TZC regatta, or the Nyack Boat Club please contact

Nyack Boat Club website – http://www.nyackboatclub.org

contact – Jim Boughton
e-mail – jcboughton@yahoo.com

Fleet # 24
Location – Oyster Bay N.Y.
contact – Marianne Nash
e-mail – mnash@compasspointdesign.com

Fleet # 26
Location – Freeport, ME
contact – Ross Cudlitz
e-mail – ztilduc@maine.rr.com

Fleet # 27

Location – Lake Weatherby, MO
contact – Jim Kennedy
e-mail – jfk1npd@kc.rr.com

Fleet # 35
Location – Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

Sonar Fleet 35 sails out of the Lunenburg Yacht Club, Nova Scotia Canada. Our fleet is 7 years old, and has grown in size each year. We currently have 15 boats in our fleet and average ten plus boats for our anual events. What’s more, is the level of competition within our fleet has improved expoentially. On any given day, it is tough to guess what crew will come out on top.

Our club has a reputation for hosting excellent regattas including: Volvo Youth Worlds 2002, Sonar N. American’s 2014, Canadian Womens Keelboat Championship and Sonar Worlds 2017. We have a new wharf, crane and storage facilities.

Our 2019 calendar of events is as follows:
• Sonar Sat. July 13
• IPYC One Design Aug. 3-5
• Chester Race Week Aug. 14-17
• Sonar Canadians LYC Aug. 31- Sept. 1
•For more information on Sonar Fleet 35 or the Lunenburg Y.C.please contact

Sonar Fleet Captain – Jonathan Chiasson  jchiasso@gnspes.ca
Lunenburg Y.C. website – http://www.lyc.ca

Fleet # 36
Location – Stuart, FL

We have about 6 boats in our Sonar fleet here in Stuart with 1-2 for sale. We are always looking for folks to join our fun little fleet. Most of the boats are older boats that are dry sailed from two local marinas. We try to race every Saturday, 52 weeks a year. We have an experienced Race Committee with power boats, but the majority of our races utilize a local Rabbit Start that we have developed to suit our racing format. We race windward/leewards/upwind finish, twice around and everyone keeps their own finishing position. All racing is in an inland body of water called the St. Lucie River. All penalties are resolved via a 360, and settled generally on the water. If not settled on the water, then at the bar afterwards. We generally sail between 3-5 races each Sat depending on weather Our group is informal as we have no club and no dues. We all get together at one of several local bars after each race to drink beer and eat fish tacos. It is my observation that we have a lot of very good experienced Sonar sailors because of the number of races we run. We would like to somehow work with the SCA to get folks from other clubs to come visit and race with us, especially in the winter when the conditions are more favorable. The two boats that are for sale here are dry stored at a local in/out marina at a reasonable cost and would be a great second boat for one of our northern brethren. If anyone is in the area contact us and we would love to show you our sailing venue.Steve Garrett



Fleet #37
Location – New Bedford, MA
contact – Paul Adam
e-mail – paul@wickesmarine.com

Fleet # 38
Location – Lake Sunapee, NH

Contact : Betsy Cetron betsycetron@gmail.com

Lake Sunapee Cruising Fleet  runs Sonar races from the end of May to August.   Races are generally Wednesday Evenings (1 Race) and alternating Sunday’s (2 Races)   We have an active 6 to 7 boats sailing including national Champion Brian Doyle.   Most boats are  dry sailed from the Lake Sunapee Yacht Club while some some from slips and moorings. We will host the 2027 National Championships.  For more information go to  www.lscf.us.

Fleet # 39
Location – Chicago, IL

Fleet #39 operates out of the Chicago Park District and Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Program.  The fleet has 8 Sonars in Burnham Harbor on Lake Michigan.  Their official season is June 2 through September 6.  They host the Independence Cup in July and have a few smaller races during the season.

The Foundation address is www.juddgoldmansailing.org and the address at the harbor is info@juddgoldmansailing.org

contact – Bill James
e-mail –info@juddgoldmansailing.org

Fleet #40
Location – Hampton Bay Va.
contact – Justin Morris, Sr. Fleet Captain
e-mail – justin.morris@raymondjames.com